I have alluded before to the fact that the 'deplorable' evaluations being made among the electorate are at least partially based on poor education (more simply stated: poor education limits or damages good judgment and creates bad elective choices).
Election, Civil rights, discrimination, genocide,...
Months ago I said to Jocelyn (my partner) that Hitler was not alone. He was VOTED in. Bad leaders in democratic societies are failures of support of good leaders… by the electorate!
When I started this blog, it was an exercise in citizenship. I didn't want, after November, to be ashamed that I hadn't helped influence proper consideration of the issues to be considered in this election. I was making sure I had a clear conscience even if I was eventually totally depressed over the outcome I feared from the wrong winner.
But, having watched months of the campaigning of Donald Trump and the adulation of his audiences, I've developed another attitude too.
Part One
I have spent much of my life physically and socially in situations of unequal treatment.
When I was in high school in the mid 60's, I was I among 2000+ boys. In my first two years, I was the sole black student. In my last two years there were a half dozen more Blacks in the same population.
When I was at the University of Illinois I was part of their dormitory integration program.
When I worked for the Boy Scouts of America in Chicago and in Sacramento during the Reagan years, I was part of both their formal and informal adult integration programs. Because of the perversions of our American integration programs, I and most of the Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, and other non-whites, continue to suffer from disdain, distrust, and destruction of our persons and our communities.
I copied this from an article on the internet that described Nazi Germany. I replaced these parts with these parts.
At the beginning of the 1930s, Adolf Hitler's Nazi 2008, Donald Trump's GOP Party exploited widespread and deep-seated discontent in Germany America to attract popular and political support. There was resentment at the crippling negotiated territorial, military and economic terms of the Versailles all Treatyies, which Hitler Trump blamed on treacherous politicians and promised to overturn. The democratic post-recession World War I Weimar republic was marked by a weak coalition divided government and political crisis, in answer to which the Nazi GOP party offered oligarchy strong leadership and national rebirth. From 1929 2008 onwards, the worldwide economic depression provoked hyperinflation, social unrest and mass unemployment, to which Hitler Trump offered scapegoats such as the MuslimsJews.
Hitler Trump pledged civil peace, radical economic policies, and the restoration of national pride and unity. Nazi Trump's GOP rhetoric was virulently nationalist and anti-SemiticMuslim/Mexican/women/... The 'subversive' JewsMuslims were portrayed as responsible for all of Germany's America's ills.
"At the risk of appearing to talk nonsense, I tell you that the Nazi movement will go on for 1,000 years!"
_Adolf Hitler¹
In "the land of the free and the home of the brave", why would you be afraid of new people? In the land of the free and the home of the brave, why would you be afraid of different people? In the land of the free and the home of the brave, why would you be afraid of change… if you are one of the free and the brave?
Donald Trump can describe in gory detail all the imagined faults or threats of everyone that he either doesn't like, or that he doesn't know, or to whom he feels himself superior. Donald Trump both lies and tells the truth in the same breaths, probably because he doesn't know the real truth or because he figures he can make ‘a killing' by convincing his audience of the lie. He is, after all, a confidence man. Or perhaps he believes the falsehood and needs to win his argument against the truth.
You are probably using the wrong ploy for combatting Donald Trump. Think about it.
Everybody talks about him several times every day in most of the world.
That means people who DON'T like him describe the things they don't like about him so that the people who DO like him as well as the people who have not yet made up their minds, or those who had only the lack of whatever obscenity is described today (tomorrow, the next/day/week/month) to make up their minds, can hear it! Think about it.
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