As civilization has become more refined (read restrictive) there is constantly less room for, and less approval of, the talents of men like him. If he fits at the top, it is an uneasy fit for him because of all the rules that have nothing to do with the reality by which he lives and thrives; uneasy, unhealthy for those around him because he almost always deals with them by measuring power relationships and ignoring all who cannot afford to directly feed his desires or avoid his displeasure. Those who exist between these stations are worth only what uses he chooses to make of them by physical or psychological force that may include personal or cultural theft and destruction, or laws and lying.
He deeply resents any who mistakenly believe they may exercise displeasure without having power.
You need not forgive me these thoughts and I doubt I'd argue about holding them because they've been mine so long - WHY does he hate so much this country that has given and continues to give, with almost no effort on his part, more riches than he or his family can ever spend away. Why, indeed.
I believe this hurt and angry pretender's aim is to pay back America, and perhaps the world, for having the unmitigated nerve, to elect, not once, but twice, a NIGGER! [] as President; A Black man who resolved so many of the country's problems that it didn't crumble into the financial hole its legislature had left it in; that it backed from two war fronts; started to teach the world that it might survive, and perhaps thrive, without bankrupting itself, or without trimming its populations through war and famine. An educated man, a gentleman, a ribald raconteur who threw his own credentials into the pretenders face while mocking him in public about the pretender's own lies. I think he doesn't forgive that. I think he has no way of "Tweeting" that away. I think he'd rather destroy all who laughed. AND. himself than admit that it happened. I believe that he has assembled a crew that he hopes will aid him in that quest. I believe that if he hasn't he will find worse and better. Yes, that is crazy.
I fear that I may not be smart or strong enough to help prevent him from succeeding. But I am determined to try."