Nunnullus Nunc

Men who supposedly have as much or more money than he, or command bigger or stronger businesses, pay court.

He is constructing a financial colossus of private and public funds that will confound the banks and governments of 50 countries or more.

He is preparing to sell the United States of America to the highest bidder because he can, as soon as he is proclaimed ‘the boss'. And the fact that one bidder is partner to our greatest military and political enemy is gravy.

We may never know why he wants to destroy it, but he's doing it because, whether his destruction works perfectly or not, he will make money, and he will have had his revenge, and it will have been the greatest show on earth.

And he will have made fools of us all, because as in his election, enough of us don't believe that anyone could do that to us.

Pride goeth before a fall.

In his tower he has said, "Wait'll they get a load of ME!"