Nunnullus Nunc

For all his faults, Donald Trump is a showman.

In ‘the show', it makes no difference whether you're a clown or a magician, an acrobat or a comedian. You get paid for performance, and performance is, more often than not, largely deception; showmanship. As the showman, you abandon reality for entertainment, and it doesn't matter what whole or individual reality is.

Donald's current ‘show' is being performed by a frightened man in a world of his own construction. He is garnering as many other frightened people to his imagined world as possible. His leadership here can make him the leader of both these AND the ones who know him to be frightened. That will be his payment for his performance – the undoing of the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The undoing of the land of the free and the home of the brave will be no different from his bankruptcies or his defaulted payments. He won't deliver as promised and he'll walk away from the destruction with personal gain. And he'll probably still be frightened.