You ask, "How much is 'real need' or 'too much' cost?"
"Oh they don't know that. They'll check with the providers of current services for that answer."
Sounds an AWFUL. lot like dT to me.
And look, you can never tell what a court you haven't bought will do. Got to find some way to control it.
"Oh that's easy. Don't even have to talk bad about it.
"If there's an even number, a deadlock is possible on any issue, even on all issues. That makes it entirely possible that we can force the court to be as inactive, as ineffectual, as we have been for eight years. All we have to do is nothing!"
All these and more seem so dastardly, even for such a doer of dour deeds (I like those words too), and they are such obvious samples (not models, but actual behaviors) of GOP fellows, that perhaps dT expects good citizens to recognize them for whose they are and immediately reject them and their practitioners.
He may not want the Presidency.
After all, if he brings down the GOP and its constituent organizations and leaders, he will have affected more than this Presidential election. He has already exposed an evil streak that has festered and propagated for, perhaps, a hundred years, even though 'men-of-good-will' knew; even though citizens of the commonwealth knew; even though leaders of the Republic knew; even though Christian men (and women) know how counter to their professed 'truth' their jeers are. Local elections too will be affected for years. Could it be?
Could it be that dT is setting himself as the ender of an era? He who took on the entire political system of the greatest nation in the world, and bared its truth, and set its path into the future?
Naah... Please!