Nunnullus Nunc


I am not religious, though I spent part of my youth thinking I might become a priest (but then I really looked at girls). But I do think of myself, when it seems appropriate, as a spiritual man, which isn't as easy to explain if I even wish to. But I ran into an interview on Facebook, or YouTube, or from Instagram, that reminded me of a phrase that I remember, incorrectly, but usefully right now. It'll allow me to make art today, and tomorrow, and for a few more days to come. It will allow me to sleep.

"Make a joyful noise before the Lord."

Now when I looked it up, "before" is "unto". I suppose either works for anybody because it reminds us of something Kamala Harris has said. This campaign, though wearying, and short, and intense, should be fought (and it IS a fight), with JOY"

The 'expert', whose name I can't remember, said in part of her assessment of our struggle to save our democracy, that JOY as core of the effort is stronger than anger.

I choose to believe that.

I argue against Trump and his backers. I argue against his opinion and his behavior against my against my country, against its Constitution, and against its people. I FIGHT against their hunger for our world; because I remember the joy of singing the national anthem with my Boy Scout troop, with my father and his brothers, I enjoyed walking to church (all three of them) with my mother and my sister. I remember the joy my mother experienced when SHE got her driver's license. I remember the joy I felt when I graduated from my finally desegregated school. I re-experience great joy at the conquest of some evil in the world by soldiers of honor and of courage - Our people, our soldiers, our honor, our courage. OURS.

We cannot with joy throw those away.

We can with joy, fight to preserve from now into a still glorious future.