Nunnullus Nunc

Next, we'll 'make nice' with that gang over there at our neighbor school. Naah, we won't give 'em anything. We'll just act like we might. We win twice that way. All these wimps here start to wonder who's side we're on and those idiots over there will think they can come over here and take what we don't want. (We don't have to tell them we want it all).

Then, we brag about how strong we are. We don't dare anybody straight out. We just say what we CAN do and how fast. They already know how tough we are. At first, they don't want to find out if we're as tough as we say we are. We beat up on one or two little ones, or we take their lunch money, or we make 'em pay to stay bruise free. Some of them will complain. Some will try to make alliances against us, some will even join us (till we take over the whole thing) but the whole thing will be under our control to start, manage, or stop.

Whoops! hmmm...

Sounds just like Donald's .... or was that Mitch's? "Ba----d" schoolyard behavior; disastrous, politics.